Welcome! I’m Katelyn Gerhardt, the founder of Cultivate with KG. I’m a native Southern California girl, turned North Carolinian. Over the last 15 years, I’ve become a wife, a military spouse, a mom of two, a business owner x a few, a board member on multiple non-profits, a leader, innovator, and a self proclaimed Enneagram connoisseur (Enneagram 3 here!).

All the best things in my life have been both terrifying and wildly exciting. It’s how I know I’m on the right track! -KG

My mission is to help the current generation of women in business and leadership tap into their greatest potential so they can transform their lives and their companies. Through courses, coaching, and consulting I help women business owners and leaders cultivate what they really want in their life: more time, more freedom, more connection. A fulfilled and joyful life where their truly living their legacy.

After spending the better part of two decades working on mindset, building myself as a leader through coaching and courses, cultivating an incredible company culture and developing a profitable business, the next step is coaching and consulting women in BUSINESS through Cultivate with KG

In my early twenties the Universe gifted me with an incredible opportunity to work for Tony Robbins. I started a pilot position in the coaching department and quickly grew a front line sales team of gregarious self starters that transformed the way coaching sales were delivered. My mind was blown with all I learned there- traveling all over the world, attending Tony’s events and having access to his tools was absolutely life changing. 

Being apart of that team and gaining all of the mindset and strategy knowledge gave me the resources needed to open my school, Independence Academy. In 2015, we opened our doors and quickly filled a school of around 80 children and 11 staff members. Today, we sit on 13 acres ripe with gardens, nature trials, our little farms, and just upwards of 150 joyful children and 35 incredible employees. 

my background

Women aren’t born great leaders. They are cultivated.